What languages does Fathom support?
We currently support 28 languages! 🌎 Bulgarian Greek Serbian Catalan Hungarian Slovak Croatian Indonesian Spanish Danish Italian Swedish Dutch Mala...
Fathom Pricing?
🥳 Fathom will always have an amazing FREE version of the app for individuals! You can have unlimited storage and recordings forever (at no cost!...
If I share my recording, will my client need a Fathom account?
When you share a link with someone, they can easily access the recording without the need to sign up for or download Fathom. Visit Fathom.Video and...
Is Fathom secure?
Fathom is HIPAA, SOC2 Type II & GDPR compliant as well as has passed extensive security reviews by Zoom. You can find more extensive information about...
Do you have an open API?
At this time, we don't have an open API. We do have a Zapier integration, but it is only available for our Fathom Team Edition Pro users.
Where can you use Fathom? (Device Compatibility)
Fathom is compatible with  Mac and Windows computers  only. At this time, you cannot download the Fathom desktop application on a  Chromebook or on a ...
How many recordings can I have?
Does Fathom have any CRM integrations?
Yes! We currently have direct integrations with  Zoom, Slack, HubSpot, Salesforce,  and  Close.io . You can go to  Fathom.Video/ and click Settings ...
Can you use Fathom with Zoom, Google Meets or Microsoft Teams?
Yes! We just recently finished our beta testing for Google Meets and Microsoft Teams.
How do I remove Fathom from the call?
You can click  Cancel Recording  as it's starting. You can also click  Stop Recording  while it's recording. You can either  pause  or  end  recording...
I clicked copy transcript - where is it?
If you go into any recorded call view, you'll see a  Copy Transcript  button directly above your transcript. Simply click that button and Fathom will ...
How do I add Fathom to an ongoing meeting?
Please take a look at this loom:  How to Add Fathom to an Ongoing Meeting