How can I change the email address associated with my Fathom account?


To update the email address on your Fathom account, please email to get the process started!

A few things to keep in mind:

  • If you are planning to switch your login email between business domains, please be prepared to show proof of ownership via DNS registration or by having the original domain publicly redirect to the new one.

  • While we support many types of email updates, we’re unable to change company email addresses to personal ones (like Gmail, Outlook, etc.)

  • If you’re changing to a new domain but staying with the same email provider (for example, switching from to, both using Microsoft), your existing recordings will stay in your account—nothing will be lost.

Just changing email providers?

Still email us at so we can make the switch on our end!

Just like a full email address change, all your recordings will remain available after the update.