CRM Integrations
HubSpot Integration
Log in to Fathom and navigate to the Settings page. Click Learn More next to HubSpot under the Integrations section of the Customize page. If you d...
HubSpot Card Integration
Our HubSpot integration has become even more powerful! 🚀 Now, you and your team can easily access your last five meetings, complete with a link to ...
Salesforce Integration
Fathom's Salesforce integration will automatically push your call summary and tasks directly into your Salesforce Account, Contact, and specific oppor...
Close CRM Integration
Log in to Fathom and navigate to the Settings page. Click Connect next to Close CRM under the Integrations section: Enter a valid Close API key. To c...
Other Integrations
Slack Integration
Share feedback, insights, or notable moments with your colleagues in real-time using Fathom's Slack integration! Go to the Fathom Settings page Scro...
Zapier Integration
🗒️ This feature is only available on Team Edition and Fathom Premium. Find the Zapier section on Fathom's Settings page and click Connect: Follow...
Using the Google Chrome Extension
Go to the Settings page in Fathom Scroll down to the Fathom Apps Section Next to Chrome Extension, click Install The Chrome Extension will automati...