Using the Zapier Integration


🗒️ This feature is only available for the Team Edition Plan or Fathom Premium

On your User Settings page you’ll see a link to add Fathom to your Zapier account:

Once it’s added you can trigger workflows in Zapier based upon a number of events in Fathom.

First create a new Zap and search for “Fathom” when asked to choose a Trigger:

Once you’ve done that you’ll see all the options you have for what events in Fathom can trigger a workflow in Zapier:

Note that for any trigger you have the option for it to trigger on only your meetings or any meetings from team members that are visible to you:

From there you can use the content from each of those events in your workflow. Here are some common usages for the Fathom integration:

  • Send the recording and AI summary of meetings with your sales team to a Slack channel

  • Send specific sections of the AI summary (ex pain points) to specific fields in your CRM after any sales call

  • Send action items from your meetings or your team’s meetings to your task management app

  • Send highlight clips of recent product feedback from customers to a Slack channel