Using the Fathom Name Picker
If the Fathom user (you) is not the host of the Zoom meeting, Fathom must decide which participant is our user. Fathom will check the meeting partici...
Using Multiple Fathom Accounts
We recommend using one email account for Fathom, however, we understand there are cases where you'll want more. For example, if you're using Fathom f...
Using Fathom with Calendly
For Fathom to join a call, it will need to seeĀ at least one meeting participantĀ on your calendar event and a Zoom link. If you're using Calendly to sc...
Admitting Fathom from the Waiting Room
As the meeting host, click Manage Participants Click Admit to have the participant join the meeting As the meeting host, click Manage Participants Cli...
Turning Off the Voice Prompt Sound
In Zoom Settings , search for āVoice Promptā and select the radio button āNo oneā and click Save:
Deleting a Call Recording
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to delete call recordings from the call recording page in Fathom. To delete a call recording, follo...