Navigating the Team Settings Page


This page is only visible to Admins of Team Edition accounts.


Add and delete the sub-teams you'd like to add your users to. Our users typically use this to list their departments.

Next to each team, configure the default visibility of any calls recorded by members of those teams: Team (so only others on their sub-team will see it) or All (all members of your account will see it).

For example, you may want all of your Sales team's calls shared with the entire company, but your Executive team's calls can be limited to just that group.


Use our HubSpot integration to sync call summaries and highlights to matching Contacts, Companies, and open Deals. Learn more here!


Note: these options will overwrite individual settings in your account.

  • Bot Name - set a name for all your team’s Fathom notetakers to go by in meetings, visible as their name in the meeting.

  • Limit to a single bot per meeting - toggle this on to prevent multiple Fathom notetakers from your domain from joining a single meeting.

  • Auto Record External Calls - toggle this on so Fathom automatically records scheduled meetings that include at least one attendee from outside your domain.

  • Auto Request Recording Consent - toggle whether Fathom should automatically send a consent email to meeting attendees. For more on when consent emails are sent and to whom, check out this article.

  • Who can see team members’ shared calls? - choose from Everyone or just Team Admins. Each team member can still choose to keep calls private!

  • Recording & Highlight Share Links - share links allow users to share entire calls or just Highlights without needing to provision individual access to calls. This is great for sharing calls externally or with people who are not part of your Fathom account.

    • Automatically expire links for deactivated users - share links to calls belonging to deactivated users will not allow further sharing of content.

    • Require Google or Microsoft sign-in to view content - adds a layer of security to your shared recordings.

  • Disable Automatic Upgrades - this prevents free users from sharing calls with your team and being upgraded to paid seats.